and Rural Teachers: Finding the Blend
Andrew Kitchenham, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
This paper describes the outcomes of a study on teacher supply and demand issues in Northern Canada. Using questionnaires and interviews, participants were asked to comment on professional development models currently used and models to be considered. In particular, comments on the use of blended learning as a viable method of e-professional development model were favourable. In subsequent research to follow up those comments, the researcher provided professional development model exemplars and asked the participants to discuss the advantages and disadvantages for rural teaching professionals. The researcher argues that the chosen blended learning model is superior to others as it is based on adult-learning principles. The results of this study are promising as the majority of participants chose blended learning as their primary choice for professional development. [Article copies are available for purchase from]
Den här studien tar upp ett ämne som ligger mig varm om hjärtat nämligen att försöka behålla kompetenta lärare i yrket (här även i området norra Kanada) genom att öka graden av utvecklingsmöjligheter genom modern e-teknik. Något som jag känner behövs utvecklas även i Sverige om vi ska kunna behålla och anskaffa nya lärare med digital kompetens.
The issues of recruiting and keeping teachers are particularly pressing, in general, (Guarino, Santibañez, & Daley, 2006), but are particularly important in the North of Canada. Professionals receive very little professional development, in situ, and often attending conferences is cost prohibitive for them. Clearly, one viable answer is technology and electronic professional development. This article will present a preliminary model of e-professional development designed for teachers, administrators, and human resources personnel in four Northern Canada sites, Fort Nelson, BC, Fort Vermilion, Alberta, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, and Whitehorse, Yukon.
The issues of recruiting and keeping teachers are particularly pressing, in general, (Guarino, Santibañez, & Daley, 2006), but are particularly important in the North of Canada. Professionals receive very little professional development, in situ, and often attending conferences is cost prohibitive for them. Clearly, one viable answer is technology and electronic professional development. This article will present a preliminary model of e-professional development designed for teachers, administrators, and human resources personnel in four Northern Canada sites, Fort Nelson, BC, Fort Vermilion, Alberta, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, and Whitehorse, Yukon.
In total, there were 113 participants from BC, Alberta, Northwest Territories and Yukon representing teachers, administrators, and human resources personnel. There were three data sources used in this mixed-methods study: an online survey, semi-structured interviews, and an emailed survey. The on-line questionnaire using Zoomerang was completed at the outset of the study. The follow-up face-to-face or telephone interview was conducted one month after the respondents completed the survey. (sidan 71)
De använde sig av tidigare studier för att skapa en modell.
De använde sig av tidigare studier för att skapa en modell.
The E-Professional Development Model
As one aspect of this study, we developed a blended learning model of e-professional development for rural professionals; in this case, for rural educators. This model is based on sound adult-learning principles and has been used successfully elsewhere (Kitchenham, 2006; 2008).(sidan 73)
När de preparerade modellen så konsulterade de även dessa tidigare utförda studier:
(Cranton 1996; King 2002, 2003; Lawler 2003; Lawler & King 2003; Merriam & Caffarella, 1999; Moran, 2001) as well as blended learning models (Barnum & Paarmann 2002; Bersin 2003; Douglis 2002; Graham, 2006; Rossett, Douglis, & Frazee 2003; Valiathan 2002; Wagner, 2006). (sidan 73)
Jag tycker dom tänkte I helt rätt riktning när de fokuserade på att det skulle vara användbart, användarvänligt och lätt att ta till sig. Tänk om alla tänkte så när de utvecklade mjukvara och portaler för skolor...
Det var en genomtänkt strategi i mina ögon och de fokuserade på att behålla aktiviteten på ett bra sätt genom upplägget att aktivera dem i alla faser (före-under-efter) alla lika viktiga i mina ögon för att få en lyckad studie.
Jag tycker dom tänkte I helt rätt riktning när de fokuserade på att det skulle vara användbart, användarvänligt och lätt att ta till sig. Tänk om alla tänkte så när de utvecklade mjukvara och portaler för skolor...
Adult learners, especially teachers, have a “preference for the practical” (Apps, 1991, p. 42) so it was crucial that planned a professional development model that stressed skills that could be learned effectively within a brief period of time after the learning had occurred (Cranton, 2006; King, 2002; Lawler, 1991, 2003; Lawler & King, 2000, 2003; Moran, 2001). (sidan 74)
Det var en genomtänkt strategi i mina ögon och de fokuserade på att behålla aktiviteten på ett bra sätt genom upplägget att aktivera dem i alla faser (före-under-efter) alla lika viktiga i mina ögon för att få en lyckad studie.
The learners must be engaged through varied teaching methods that include lecture, small group discussions, and self reflections (Cranton, 2006). As well, to encourage active participation from the participants, they must have input into all stages of the learning process (Lawler, 2003; Lawler & King, 2000). In our proposed model, we included opportunities for active participation before (e.g., pre-assessment), during (e.g., lecture and small group discussions), and after (e.g., emails; discussion groups/blogs; self-reflection) the professional development workshop. Having a genuine feedback loop is critical to adult professional development so that the participants can put forth and receive feedback to and from the facilitator. (sidan 76)
Att hålla uppe motivationen är viktigt var något de var överens om att de skulle prioritera, men jag tycker det alltid är en viktig faktor oavsett åldersgrupp och oavsett inlärningsprincip. Kan man inte hålla uppe motivationen (=lusten att lära) så spelar det ingen roll vilka resurser man har. Hur man presenterar ett innehåll är kärnan i en lyckad inlärningsprocess enligt mig.
Lawler and King (2003) argued that the motivation of adult learners is a necessary part of any professional development model but it was often forgotten as a critical adult-learning principle when designing learning opportunities. When we designed the blended learning professional development scenario, we argued that presenting a topic of interest (i.e., aboriginal learners), asking participants for input on strategies needed, and allowing time to pass between subsequent sessions would both acknowledge and increase motivation in the learning process. (sidan 77)
En annan viktig aspekt som de också täckte var behovet av att känna till ”statusen” på vad de som ingick i studien hade i form av kunskaper i området. Detta för att bättre kunna anpassa modellen som skulle användas. Väldigt lätt att glömma men väldigt bra att veta innan man tar sig an att utbilda någon. Att hitta rätt nivå som stimulerar och ökar graden av inlärning är också en nyckel till framgång enligt mig.
In other words, the facilitator must ensure that he or she builds on the learners’ past experiences by assessing their learning levels prior to beginning the professional development work and then utilize that information to create and implement the learning opportunities (Lawler, 2003). As many rural professionals have diverse and rich backgrounds, our proposed e-professional development model included a pre-assessment of what the participants knew about the topic and a recursive assessment of what they knew as the program developed. By embracing redundancy, the model became more robust as the participants perceived that their prior experiences were valued. (sidan 77)
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