Cuong Pham-Nguyen, TELECOM, France
Serge Garlatti, TELECOM, FranceB.-Y.-Simon Lau, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Benjamin Barbry, University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille, France
Thomas Vantroys, University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille, France
Pervasive learning will become increasingly important in technology-enhanced learning (TEL). In this context, development efforts focus on features such as context-awareness, adaptation, services retrieval and orchestration mechanisms. This paper proposes a process to assist the development of such systems, from conception through to execution. This paper focuses mainly on pervasive TEL systems in a learning situation at the workplace. We introduce a context-aware scenario model of corporate learning and working scenarios in e-retail environments such as shops and hypermarkets. This model enables us to integrate contextual information into scenarios and to select how to perform activities according to the current situation. Our pervasive learning system is based on a service oriented architecture that consists of an infrastructure for service management and execution that is flexible enough to reuse learning components and to deal with context changes that are not known in advance and discovered on the fly.. [Article copies are available for purchase from]Vad handlar detta om egentligen? Ja så här uttrycker sig de som skrivit om studien.
The reuse of learning resources and web services requires interoperability at a semantic level. In other words, it is necessary to have a semantic web approach to design TEL systems. Moreover, knowledge models and pedagogical theories can be fully represented by means of a semantic web approach. In the mobile learning area, a number of terms are commonly used; mobile, pervasive and ubiquitous learning systems (Brodersen, Christensen, Gronboek, Dindler, & Sundararajah, 2005; Hundebol & Helms, 2006; Sharples, 2005; Thomas, 2007)....... In this article, we consider that mobile, pervasive and ubiquitous learning systems have the properties of mobile, pervasive and ubiquitous computing systems respectively. We focus our attention on pervasive learning systems. Mobile learning is not just about learning at anytime, at any place and in any form using lightweight devices, but learning in context and across contexts. (sidan 42)
De pratar mycket om ”semantic” och ”pervasive” som är....
Semantics (from Greek sēmantiká, neuter plural of sēmantikós)[1][2] is the study of meaning. It typically focuses on the relation between signifiers, such as words, phrases, signs and symbols, and what they stand for, their denotata.
One useful definition is that a “pervasive learning environment is a context (or state) for mediating learning in a physical environment enriched with additional site-specific and situation dependent elements – be it plain data, graphics, information -, knowledge -, and learning objects, or, ultimately, audio-visually enhanced virtual layers” (Hundebol & Helms, 2006). One could consider pervasive learning as an extension to mobile learning where the roles of the intelligent environment and of the context are emphasized (Laine & Joy, 2008). In pervasive learning, computers can obtain information about the context of learning from the learning environment where small devices, sensors, pads, badges, large LCD screens, people, and so on, are embedded and communicate mutually. (sidan 42)
Med andra ord så handlar det om ett lärande som sker samtidigt som när man utför uppgifter och vice versa. Det måste dessutom måste systemet vara kopplad till kontexten av inlärningen, det vill säga att mjukvarans arkitektur måste vara utformad för det som man vill uträtta.
The main contribution of this article is an adaptive and context-aware model of scenarios for a pervasive learning system supporting working and learning activities. The pervasive learning system architecture is based on a service oriented architecture to meet pervasive computing requirements. Web services are retrieved and orchestrated, and can be used for different working and learning activities...... The scenario model and the web service retrieval and orchestration are based on a semantic web approach which enables us to represent the explicit common knowledge of the communities of practice involved in the p-LearNet project. The scenario model is based on a hierarchical task model having the task/method paradigm. An activity, represented by a task, may have several associated methods. A method represents a way of performing a task in a particular situation. (sidan 44)
Här följer scheman över de olika typerna de använde sig av I studien.
Figure 2. An overview of pervasive learning system architecture
Figure 3. Middleware architecture
I deras slutsatser så framkom följande:
We have proposed an adaptive and context-aware model of a scenario based on a hierarchical task model having the task/method paradigm - with methods defining how to achieve a task - for a pervasive learning system supporting working and learning situations. This model enables us to include contextual information in learning scenarios at the design stage and to choose how to achieve activities according to the current situation at runtime. In other words, the relevant methods are selected dynamically according to the current situation for performing activities.
From a scenario perspective, the system can dynamically select and adapt learning components (resources and services) that are not known in advance for achieving an atomic task. Our context model and adaptation process deal with dynamic “context-as-construct” by means of transitory and permanent situation features managed in different ways. A service oriented architecture approach is suitable for pervasive learning systems to deal with such dynamic learning content and environments.
För mig så ligger den här undersökningen på nivå som jag inte är familjär med. Området och de termer de använder och den retorik som gås igenom är obekant för mig. Detta gör det svårt för mig att ta ställning till denna undersökning. Det jag dock känner rent spontant är att genom metodisk genomgång och analys samt en med produkt som är anpassad för ändamålet så kan man nå målet av att lära sig samtidigt som man utför uppgifter tack vare hur uppgifterna och mjukvaran är utformad.
Kort sagt med en välanpassad mjukvara och pedagogik för ändamålet kan man nu ”learning by doing” i hög grad med hjälp av mobil teknik. Något som jag tycker saknas i dagens svenska skola, vi är inte i takt med den moderna tekniken i vår pedagogik.
/Helge Lundgren
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