Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of M-learning Within an International Distance Education Programme
This chapter provides a case study of a mobile learning project, involving postgraduate distance learning students based in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. The project explores ways of enhancing the programme design and delivery, within the broader context of a global programme with students in over one hundred countries. The use of e-learning tools alongside traditional print-based approaches has created a more connected learning community that makes increasing use of interactive learning resources. However, new challenges have emerged in providing equivalent access and support to students based in developing countries. The authors outline the practical ways in which mobile learning tools help address the problems identified, and provide opportunities for innovation in design and delivery of distance learning. The approaches explored provide insights and not a prescriptive solution, since they are contingent on diverse and dynamic contexts, the student profile, and the nature of the problems arising.
Det är mycket att ta i beaktning när man ska dra igång sådana här projekt i utvecklingsländer när digitala resurser och ekonomi är begränsad:
The second major initiative within the DLP has been a move over the last five years to make the study materials available digitally. The driver for this was pedagogic innovation, but there was also a financial motivation to keep fee levels affordable and invest more in educational technology rather than printing and dispatch. Initially this process involved providing PDF or Word format copies of the study guide to students via the OLE, but a more ambitious agenda to enhance the materials also began to be implemented. This involved developing ways to make the content more interactive, and developing a flexible authoring model that would support reusability of content and ease of maintenance. Due to the type of subject matter, which is typically narrative or economic models, there needed to be a careful assessment of what would add value to the student experience. This leads to a focus on interactive content that helps explain difficult concepts, self assessment questions, and search features to support revision.
Dessa var de frågeställningar de ville få svar på.
Before commencing with any specific development work we sought to answer three further questions:
• What insights can we gain from relevant literature in relation to the context, educational and pedagogic approaches, and technical alternatives?
• What can we learn from the experience of others who have sought to develop m-learning approaches, particularly in the southern African context?
• What can we learn directly about the context that might influence our project approach?
• What can we learn from the experience of others who have sought to develop m-learning approaches, particularly in the southern African context?
• What can we learn directly about the context that might influence our project approach?
Dom upptäckte genom sina undersökningar att det finns skillnader i hur snabbt studenterna tar till sig mobilt lärande beroende på hur mycket krav man ställer på att de ska "producera" tillbaka. Jag tror dock att i långa loppet så är det vägen att gå så att det blir en mer delaktig undervisning.
• Provision of audio visual content, and resources that replicate familiar experiences (such as lectures and quizzes), are quickly adopted, and these approaches suited the “Rural Development” module subject matter.
• Introducing ideas that encourage learning among peers, along with sharing and contributing to the educational process, represent more progressive and innovative approaches for the students to engage in The more collaborative activities designed around production of new types of assignment deliverables and learning-by-doing (as reflected in the "ICT for Development” module) may take more time to get student “buy in” as they have to become contributors as well as beneficiaries. Interaction with the tutor and a well designed support environment for mobile learning are likely to be more critical.
Som alltid när det gäller mobilt lärande så brottades de med tekniska lösningar för de små skärmarna på de Nokia N70 mobiler som de valt att arbeta med. Dessa hade importerats från England men de tror att man i framtiden kan lösa det mer lokalt när utbredningen av mobilnät och mobiler även nått denna kontinent i större utsträckning. Men många av de som deltog i studien påtalade att det gått framåt vad det gäller täckningen och att det inte längre bara är i städerna som täckning finns.
Sätter vi detta i relation till Sverige så är ju detta inget problem, de problem vi har är att väldigt få har utvecklat sätt att arbeta med mobilt lärande eftersom vi har så god tillgång på datorer och internet. Men precis som de påpekar så har ju utvecklingen av att sprida material via internet/mobilnätet gått väldigt fort framåt och detta kommer främja mobilt lärande.
Designing for the small screen was a challenge, and drawing on the ideas of Jones and Marsden (2005), careful thought is being given to how best to do this. Audio and video alternatives to text are being developed where possible, and the usability features of the phone model and browser software also facilitate the design of effi cient navigation. In practice, a few unexpected technical challenges have been encountered relating to audio capture time limits and slow performance if audio or video fi les stored on the external card are launched via the phone browser. These problems are being investigated but should not be insurmountable as the handsets rapidly become more powerful.
Sätter vi detta i relation till Sverige så är ju detta inget problem, de problem vi har är att väldigt få har utvecklat sätt att arbeta med mobilt lärande eftersom vi har så god tillgång på datorer och internet. Men precis som de påpekar så har ju utvecklingen av att sprida material via internet/mobilnätet gått väldigt fort framåt och detta kommer främja mobilt lärande.
Alongside the technological advances, we are also seeing rapid developments in the following relevant areas:
• Emergence of social software on the Internet and mobile devices, providing a global platform where individuals publish audio visual content from remote locations (for example, via mobile blogging), and collaborate on the creation and development of ideas. This trend is likely to make more people familiar with constructivist approaches.
• Emergence of standards for sharing content (learning objects), and development of new licensing approaches such as creative commons that provide incentives to innovators alongside dissemination of knowledge. Repositories of open educational resources are being developed and becoming accessible to mobile users
Tittar man på deras slutsater så kan vi se att de inte tycker att det är helt lätt utan snarare väldigt komplext och mångfacetterat. Den kräver sin specilella pedagogik och god hand med tekniken i fråga. Man måste tänka mer audio-visuellt vilket jag dock tycker är väldigt bra eftersom det är något som dagens genaration är väldigt familjär med och använder sig av dagligen. Det är ett nytt media att använda till inlärning/undervisning, då får man helt enkelt börja tänka i nya banor. Vilket aldrig kan vara fel tycker jag. Att utnyttja det nya sättet att interagera tycker jag är utmaningen i det hela.
The outcomes and lessons being learned from this project should not be regarded as prescriptive, but some of the key learning points for the DLP in relation to the specifi c SADC context are as follows:
• The introduction of mobile learning is complex and multifaceted, and a range of pedagogic, practical, and technical issues need to be carefully understood.
• Mobile learning approaches need to be considered alongside traditional and e-learning models, and some of the emerging technical requirements for m-learning (for example, greater emphasis on audiovisual content) in turn influence the design and authoring approaches needed for the DLP’s CD-based courseware and printed materials. • Attention needs to be given to a coherent learning environment for mobile distance learners that takes account of future trends, and the emergence of social software.
/Helge Lundgen• Keep it simple, personal, and avoid device proliferation.
• M-learning supports the development of new study skills: ° learners can interact, create and share valuable learning resources such as audio versions of course materials they record themselves with appropriate regional accents, and share photos and videos providing insights into their context; and make use of brief study sessions in unusual locations.
• M-learning supports the development of new study skills: ° learners can interact, create and share valuable learning resources such as audio versions of course materials they record themselves with appropriate regional accents, and share photos and videos providing insights into their context; and make use of brief study sessions in unusual locations.
I sin slutplädering visar de sin ståndpunkt som jag tycker är väldigt bra, nämligen att mobilt lärande är en resurs som gagnar utvecklingsländer som därigenom gör att vi får en mer global spridning i mobilt lärande som är mer jämlik världen över.
In all five cases, the pilot project is providing insights into how mobile learning can help achieve these objectives, and we hope this case study has shed light that will be helpful to readers. We set out in this project to focus particularly on the needs of students based in developing countries. It is interesting to reflect that the possible solutions emerging provide the best hope for a learning environment that has global reach, and where common approaches can be developed and enjoyed equally by all students irrespective of their location. This has to be one of the major enhancements and attractions of a model incorporating m-learning.
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