tisdag 19 april 2011

Part three: Design and Development of Multimedia Learning Objects for Mobile Phones edited by Mohammed Ally (2009)

Part three: Appplications of Mobile Learning
Design and Development of Multimedia Learning Objects for Mobile Phones


This chapter discusses the design and development of a series of prototypes of a multimedia learning object for the mobile phone. It begins with the rationale for this development, and the underlying design and development principles of our learning objects. It then presents the iterative development process that ensued in creating four prototypes for the mobile phone, each of which was refi ned in light of use and feedback. The design issues and solutions are discussed in the process, documenting the development route that was taken. Student evaluation data is also presented, and this has informed the further development of the prototype. The development sections are followed by a discussion about the implications of this work, and the chapter concludes with where it is going in the future.

Detta tycker jag är en del av kärnan när det gäller mobilt lärande av idag, nämligen att använda oss av den redan befintliga tekniken i moderna mobiltelefoner. Eller som skribenterna säger:  "Our aim is to develop multimedia learning content for mobile phones which is interactive, highly visual, engaging, and effective for the learner, using Flash Lite for authoring and delivery (Flash Lite is a version of Flash for mobile phones). Such learning objects can easily be used by the student whenever they have the desire or opportunity to engage in some learning, wherever they are, taking advantage of this “always there, always on” technology."

Det här med att alltid vara påkopplad är ju något som verkligen ligger i tiden både för studenter och lärare. Med en mobil av typ Smartphone så finns kapaciteten redan där, det gäller bara att skapa innehållet.

Teamet tog fram en modell att jobba utifrån och bestämde sig för att använda sig av Nokia modellen N70 och N91 och programmet Flash lite 2 vilket var det senaste vid det tillfället just då. De beskriver det så här:

The team has designed and evaluated a suite of high quality, interactive, multimedia Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) for learning study skills. The suite of learning materials developed for the project included RLOs on how to reference a book, a journal, and a website.

Det krävdes såklart modifieringar för att kunna presentera material men de kunde dom lösa tack vare tidigare erfarenheter med mobila lösningar:

Rethinking Problems

In many areas the learning object content and the interactive devices used within it needed rethinking for the mobile phone. We had learnt from our work in designing learning objects for the PDA that smaller screen sizes are not necessarily a design constraint (Bradley et al. 2005a). You just have to rethink any problems that arise, consider available options, and find creative solutions.

Här är ett utmärkt exempel på att tänka om för att anpassa till mobilt lärande:

One example of this was the use of text in the existing learning object. We decided to replace lengthy pieces of text usually used for instructions and explanations with short audio clips. This substitution of text with audio not only alleviates screen overcrowding, but is easier for people to assimilate in mobile situations. Our research has also shown that some students find it easier to learn from audio (Bradley et al. 2005b).


How useful would it be to access learning materials via your mobile?


Rating:  Extremely important    1 2 3 4 5     Not at all important

1  16,7%
2  66,7%
3  16,7%
4    0%
5    0%  
They all consider it to be important to be able to access learning materials via their mobile, 83 per cent, if you combine the responses to “1” and “2,” although one rated “3” in the middle so could be undecided, and one did not answer the question (see Table 1). We have received a much more positive response to this question from these students than when we asked 101 first-year students the same question in a mobile phone survey a few months earlier, when only 46 per cent thought it was useful to be able to access learning materials on their mobiles, and 29 per cent were undecided, rating “3.” This could be because the students in this evaluation study have had an opportunity to see and use learning materials on a mobile phone, whereas the others had not, and therefore couldn’t visualize the types of learning materials that could be created.

Det här visar på att om man bara anpassar det studiematerial man vill använda så fungerer det väl ut och studenterna reagerar positivt på att ta till sig materialet på detta sätt. Här följer några reflektioner som studenterna gav.

Vidare Evaluering

How would you view the university contacting you via your mobile for learning purposes?

Rating: It would be a positive aspect   1 2 3 4 5     It would be a negative aspect

1  33%
2 67%
3  0%
4  0%
5  0%

Many of the comments made by students in the informal discussions afterwards reinforce the positive responses given in the questionnaire. Some of these are included in Table 3.


Student comments about the Referencing Books mobile learning object:
“I really enjoyed using it.”
“I thought it was great and really handy.”
“I think it’s brilliant.”
“I think it’s got a lot of potential. I would defi nitely use it if it was applicable to my course.”
“It’s cool.”
“I love it.”
“I think it’s something that’s really useful.”
“You can go home on the tube or the bus and just read it.”
“I think it’s a great idea.”
“I think it’s really good.”

Jag tror också att om vi skulle köra sådan här undervisning på min skola så skulle också "wow" faktorn bli hög och många studenter skulle uppskatta denna form av inlärning.

I deras slutsats så finner man många positiva aspekter på mobilt lärande med hjälp av mobiler och här är dom som jag tycker är de viktigaste faktorerna att ta fasta på och utveckla i framtiden.

Student feedback confirms that multimedia mobile learning objects are desirable, and this work is now developing in a number of parallel strands.  There are also opportunities to embrace the strengths that the mobile phone can bring to learning, for example in combining multimedia learning content with scenarios for learners to capture and contribute media files (user generated content), dynamically upload content on the move, and communicate with peers and/or tutors.

They can also identify ways in which they would use them, saying that they’re “really handy” and “really useful,” and can see the benefi ts of using them in periods of dead time, when traveling in cramped spaces, and in environments where there is no access to computers. Such comments suggest that multimedia MLOs can engage students into learning, and provide an interesting and enjoyable experience. 

“I think it’s got a lot of potential. I would definitely use it if it was applicable to my course.” Such feedback indicates that students are receptive towards multimedia MLOs, and that there is therefore great potential in continuing with this direction in mobile learning, providing that materials are well designed and based on sound pedagogic principles.

/Helge Lundgren

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