söndag 13 mars 2011

Part Two: Mobile Distance Learning with PDAs by Rekkedal and Dye edited by Mohammad Ali (2009)

Part Two: Research on Mobile Learning
Mobile Distance Learning with PDAs: Development and Testing of Pedagogical and System Solutions Supporting Mobile Distance Learners



The article discusses basic teaching-learning philosophies and experiences from

the development and testing of mobile learning integrated with the online
distance education system at NKI (Norwegian Knowledge Institute) Distance
Education. The chapter builds on experiences from three European Union (EU)
supported Leonardo da Vinci projects on mobile learning: From e-learning to
m-learning (2000-2003), Mobile learning – the next generation of learning
(2003-2005), and the ongoing project, Incorporating mobile learning into
mainstream education (2005-2007).

Här är två faktorer som jag tycker är väldigt viktiga att tänka på och som uppkom i undersökningsarbetet.

"One of the main challenges concerning the use of mobile devices was
to fi nd acceptable solutions adapted to the small screen. There is simply not

enough space on a small screen for all the information found on a traditional
web page. Another problem encountered was the limited data transfer rate
and processing power found in mobile devices."

De beskriver även den norska NKI:modellen för distansstudier där man frångår den traditionella modellen som är oberoende av tid och plats. De utvecklar "klassrumsmodellen", vilket jag tycker är bra.

 On the opposite end of the fl exibility continuum is the “extended classroom model,” which assumes
that students should be organized into groups that meet regularly at local
study centres, and favours the application of technologies such as video
conferencing, satellite distribution, radio, and television (Gamlin 1995).

NKI:modellen har verkligen tagit det här med interaktion på allvar och har utvecklat strategier för elever och utildare att följa. De har verkligen "öppnat dörren" för att kunna interagera på allvar.

Faced with the challenge of supporting distance students within a flexible distance learning context wherein they must identify and invite fellow students to become their learning partner, NKI has developed different kinds of social software solutions within the LMS-system. As such, all students are urged to present themselves in ways that invites social interaction for 56 learning purposes. This information may be open to all – for example, members of the learning society of NKI Distance Education, to fellow students studying the same programme, or to tutors and administration only.

There is no doubt that mobile technology may increase possibilities for efficient interaction between distance students, making them more independent of time and space. The potential of social software for developing solutions that allow students within “maximum freedom and flexibility” modes of distance learning to engage in cooperative learning activities has been presented by Anderson (2005).

We also hold the view that learning is an individual process that can be supported by adequate interaction and/or collaboration in groups (Askeland, 2000), a viewpoint that is stated in the NKI strategic plan (2005).

NKI’s research and development on mobile learning in connection with the three EU Leonardo da Vinci projects have led to better, more flexible mobile solutions needed to serve distance learners studying online. Through trial and error, we have learned that cost-efficiency considerations did not permit us to develop parallel versions of courses. Instead, we found that courses must be developed, presented, and distributed in a manner that allow both mobile and non-mobile distance learners to participate in the same course, using the same course materials that can be accessed from standard and mobile technologies. Moreover, we found that course content available on mobile devices must be of minimum acceptable quality. Interaction with course content and multimedia materials, as well as communication with tutors and fellow students, must function adequately using both standard and mobile technologies. The question remains on what the ‘ideal’ device and solution for mobile learning will look like. In all probability, however, the answer will very likely rest with students’ individual preferences. That is why NKI has found it extremely important to experiment with different solutions which, in turn, have inspired further developments in finding the right mix of course design and system solutions that serve the needs of all learners, independent of whether they are using a desktop PC or whether they are using mobile devices.

Det är intressant att se att de tycker att distanskurser med hjälp av mobilt lärande ska vara utformade så att även elever som inte läser ”mobilt” kan delta i samma kurs med samma kursinnehåll. Det vill säga att de ska funka både på PC/Mac och med standard mobiler eller annan standard mobilutrustning. Tekniken ska vara så pass anpassad så att det flyter på oavsett vilken utrustning man använder sig av. Det jag kan tycka är intressant att ta upp i detta är vem som ska bära kostnaden för det mobila abonnemanget som krävs för att kunna delta i en sån här kurs. Bredband via dator är idag överkomligt och relativt billigt men mobilabonnemang med internetsurf till mobiler/surfplattor är fortfarande ganska dyrt att skaffa i alla fall när det gäller större mängd av datatrafik.

/Helge Lundgren

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